16 Aug And the survey says …: Why participant insights from surveys are vital to All of Us
Where we live, what we do, and our medical history can all affect our health. That’s why the All of Us Research Program wants to hear about your health, environment, and lifestyle.
One way you can share information with All of Us is by answering surveys. Some of the surveys ask about your overall health. Others ask about eating habits, exercise, and other activities that can affect health. All of the surveys are available in both English and Spanish.
Filling out surveys is simple, and they can give researchers accurate information on many different topics. Combined with a lot of other health information that you and other participants provide, surveys help researchers identify patterns about how our lifestyle and background affect our health. They may also help researchers answer questions about how to prevent and treat a variety of health conditions.
Many participants have already taken surveys. If you’ve signed up for All of Us, but have not taken surveys yet, you can find them by logging in to the Participant Portal. You can log in through the web or the All of Us app for iOS and Android devices.
You can complete some surveys as soon as you sign up for the program. Others will show up after some time has passed or after you’ve completed certain surveys. These include two new surveys we just added. They focus on family health history and experiences with health providers and health care.
We will add new surveys regularly. New surveys give you the chance to share information about more areas of your health and life or how your health changes over time.
The information you choose to share in the surveys will provide great value to the program and strengthen the findings researchers can make with them.
– Re-posted from All of Us