All of Us Research Hub sets the stage for innovation in health research

The All of Us Research Program recently announced the launch of its “Research Hub”, which will, soon, offer data and tools to researchers who wish to explore a wide range of biomedical and scientific questions.

Beginning in 2019, the national All of Us program will provide vetted researchers access to one of the largest biomedical resources of its kind to explore how lifestyle, environment and biological makeup affect health and disease.

“This is an exciting next step in the extraordinary All of Us journey,” said Dr. Beth Burnside, Co-Principal Investigator, All of Us – University of Wisconsin-Madison. “The research community will have the opportunity to explore patterns of health and disease in this data set to gain a better understanding of the determinants of health and well-being, specific risk factors for disease and potential personalized treatment approaches.”

Approved researchers will be able to access these data, with personal identifiers removed, to explore how different factors contribute to individual health with the goal of developing treatments and prevention strategies that are unique to individuals.

By allowing access to the biobank, All of Us aims to build a diverse community of traditional and non-traditional researchers to discover new ways to understand health and disease.  To be considered for approval, researchers must agree to the All of Us Research Program’s rules on accessing data, keeping data safe and using data properly.

Researchers from academic, commercial, public or private institutions will be welcome to apply. In the meantime, those interested can access the hub’s website and register for email updates at

Researchers are encouraged to sign up as All of Us participants, too. To learn more, visit; call 888-294-2661 or email