26 Feb Father & Son Night Out a celebration of black fathers, sons, grandfathers, uncles, and stepdads
By David Dahmer, Madison365
Aaron Perry, founder of Rebalanced-Life Wellness Association (RLWA) and crusader to eliminate racial health disparities, is pretty excited about the findings in a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control that found that black fathers were the most involved with children no matter if they lived with them or not. According to the study, a greater percentage of black fathers, when compared with white and Hispanic fathers, fed or ate meals with children daily, bathed, diapered or dressed children daily, played with children daily, and read to children daily.
On Thursday, Feb. 27 at Marcus Point Theater, Perry will be hosting a Father/Son Night Out partly to celebrate black fatherhood and partly to put to bed the myth that black fatherhood is in a state of crisis. The Father & Son Night Out will be a celebration of black fathers, sons, grandfathers, uncles, stepdads and more.
“Our Father/Son Night Out is part of our intense focus on the disruption and the transformation of how black fathers are perceived. We’re still fighting stereotypes,” Perry tells Madison365. “I was excited to see that the CDC clearly reports that black fathers’ involvement is not what a lot of the stereotypes reflect. The CDC indicates that black fathers are the most involved in their children no matter if they live with them or not.
Perry founded of Rebalanced-Life Wellness Association (RLWA), to close gaps in racial disparities in health and well-being for men in the Madison area. He also was one of the architects behind the Men’s Health and Education Center, located within JP Hair Design, Madison’s largest black barbershop. Read more …