16 Mar All of Us in-person enrollment suspended until further notice
The All of Us (AoU) Research Program is dedicated to better health, both in the future and today. As we learn more about the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), our program is taking steps to help participants and communities protect their health.
UW-Madison is suspending AoU enrollment appointments and activities. This includes ALL of our enrollment sites in Dane and Milwaukee Counties. If you have questions about an upcoming appointment, or would like to reschedule, please contact our Madison team at (888) 294-2661 or allofus@hslc.wisc.edu. Our Milwaukee team can be reached at (414) 219-3810 or allofusuwmke@hslc.wisc.edu.
You can still sign up and take part in the program online at JoinAllofUs.org.
If you’re a current participant, Have you answered all your survey questions? One way to stay connected with All of Us is to share health information by completing surveys online. Log in to your account to get started.
Here are some things you can do to help stop the spread of COVID-19:
– Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer if you can’t get to a sink.
– Put distance between yourself and other people.
– Stay home if you are sick.
If you are in need of assistance during this difficult time, here is a range of sources relied on by our diverse stakeholders and partners for support through this pandemic.
For more tips, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s webpage at coronavirus.gov.
Thank you,
All of Us at UW-Madison