27 Apr Zip code-level data released on the susceptibility to severe COVID-19 complications
By Maija Inveiss, Fox 47
There’s a new interactive tool out that will help local public health officials track coronavirus cases in your zip code.
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health are giving public health officials access to zip code-level data on the susceptibility of residents to severe complications from COVID-19, according to a release.
The data breaks down the number of people in a zip code that could develop severe complications.
The release said the data will help health officials and health systems help with “hospitalizations, distribute protective equipment or target communications to at-risk populations.”
The research comes out of the Health Innovation Program, a research program within the School of Medicine and Public Health. The data was provided by the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality, a network representing 65% of Wisconsin’s primary care physicians. Read more …