11 May Free community testing for COVID-19 begins at Alliant Energy Center
By David Wahlberg, Wisconsin State Journal
Free community testing for COVID-19 started Monday at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, giving anyone who wants to be tested for the coronavirus a chance to do so.
Testing at the drive-thru community site is strongly recommended for people with symptoms of the respiratory disease, but even people without symptoms can get tested, Public Health Madison and Dane County spokeswoman Sarah Mattes said. Symptoms can include cough, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell.
The site is also recommended for people who are uninsured and do not have a primary care provider; contacts of people who been diagnosed with COVID-19; and essential workers who are not able to always socially distance at work, including: food service workers, meat packing plant workers, dairy farm workers, first responders, and health care workers. Read more …