Meet the AoU-UW Team @ East Madison Community Center

Meet the AoU-UW Team @ East Madison Community Center

     Ready to become ONE in a million?

We’re here to help! All of Us Research staff is teaming up with the East Madison Community Center (EMCC) to provide information about this NIH-funded initiative that’s crucial to the future of  precision medicine.  The team will on hand from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.  at EMCC, which is located at 8 Straubel Court in Madison.

If you are in need assistance enrolling online enrollment, or, simply have questions about the program. We have arranged 10-minute info sessions that will begin at Noon, 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Also, you may be able to complete your enrollment by giving your physical measurements and a biosample. One you have completed all steps, you will receive $25.


Light refreshments will be available.

See you there!