Having difficulty finding the time during the week to complete your in-person visit for the All of Us Research Program?
We’ll be enrolling at UW Hospital on Saturday, February 1, 8:30 am to 2 pm (no appt. necessary!). You can find us on the 3rd Floor (K6/369).
Directions: Take the K elevators to the 3rd floor of UW Hospital (600 Highland Ave., Madison).
Please park in the parking ramp (Lot 75) at the east side of University Hospital, along Highland Avenue.
Your parking will be validated, so please bring your ticket in with you to your visit. Also, please bring photo ID and email password, if available.
You’ll receive $25 cash when you complete enrollment!
Please note: You may complete the entire enrollment process at this event, but if you would like to reduce your in-person time, you may complete the online components before your arrival. You can start that process here: https://www.joinallofus.org/en/get-started-step1
Please contact us, if you have questions, allofus@hslc.wisc.edu; (888) 294-2661.